The goal of the PRM physician liaison is developing a rapport with the targeted demographics on their client account.  They do this by way of strategic visits where they introduce the client verbally & through marketing materials such as the introductory letter, business cards, and any brochures they may have.  PL’s often have to interact with the “Guardian at the Gate”- often a receptionist or nurse who is not a key stakeholder.  The liaison should always strive to reach the physician or the referral manager “Whoever handles referrals for your organization”


  • Be professional and courteous at all times when dealing with the GATG
  • Have client materials easily accessible
  • Introduce yourself as an agent of the client
  • Gauge interest and rank accordingly; take notes about the reception of the value proposition and overall state of the business


“Hello!  My name is “NAME”, here on behalf of “CLIENT” .  I was just stopping in to do some outreach and make sure that you’re aware of their practice, in case you ever had any need to refer out to them.

Do you know if you currently do any referring out to a “TYPE OF CLIENT”?

  •  If very confident NO, give a single business card to them “in case they ever need it”.
  • If YES, give a sampling of materials- if they seem enthusiastic, give them 5 business cards & brochures, along with introductory letter
  1. If YES, followup questions:  “About how many times per week do you think you refer out to a group like “CLIENT”?
  2. If YES, followup questions: “Do you mind if I ask who you’re currently referring out to?”
  3. If YES, followup questions: “How should I followup to make sure the physician understands our services and why “CLIENT” would be an excellent practice to refer to?”

When the exchange is over, thank them for their time and make sure you grab a business card for the practice.  Rank the business according to the chart below:

A- they’re interested, receptive, and want to refer to the client. Has large volume of patients they may or are currently referring out for that service, and no loyalty to one practice.

A/B- they’re interested, receptive, and will likely refer out.  May have smaller volume, or doesn’t know how many they refer out, or may have some ties to a practice.

B- they’re interested and somewhat receptive.  Might not be sure of how likely they are to refer out.

B/C- might not be receptive, or maybe not very likely to have referrals.

C- unlikely to refer

D- does not refer out for the client’s services





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