Tag: referral marketing

Doctor Referral Marketing Strategies


Effective Doctor Referral Marketing Strategies for Optimal Growth At Physician Referral Marketing, we understand the importance of effective doctor referral marketing strategies in driving growth and success in the healthcare industry. In this article, we will provide you with comprehensive insights and actionable tips to help you outrank your competitors and ... Read More


The wisdom of Forrest Gump is streaming through my brain right now. Remember the famous line from the movie?  “I may not be a smart man, Jenny. But I know what love is.” Well… “I may not be a doctor, but I know how to market one.” And at work I have ... Read More
June 2, 2016Dawn Knoll


If you’re anything like most private practice physicians we’ve worked with, your practice started small—and so did your referral marketing program. You probably had plenty of time on your hands to visit neighboring medical offices to introduce yourself and leave some of your literature. But as your growing practice matures, adding new ... Read More
January 2, 2016Laura Mikulski


You've heard us tell you that marketing is about building connections, visibility, and credibility.  But there’s one underlying, fundamental aspect to marketing your practice that should permeate everything you do: human emotion.  Sure, it’s crucial to develop a web presence through a comprehensive site and social media activity, and yes, ... Read More
April 3, 2013Laura Mikulski


A physician liaison, or physician relations manager, is a professional dedicated to representing a physician or specialized medical/surgical group in an effort to establish and strengthen the relationship between potential referring physicians and hospitals. By maintaining an open line of communication with physicians and performing diligent outreach, physician liaisons maintain ... Read More
March 1, 2013Laura Mikulski


Through the innumerable forms of marketing, referral marketing stands out as vastly superior for most businesses- but ESPECIALLY for healthcare specialty practices.  Healthcare referral marketing is also an entirely different beast as compared to referral marketing for retailers and small business, due to the nature of the relationships built. Traditional forms ... Read More
February 26, 2013Laura Mikulski


PRM launched its new website: www.physicianreferralmarketing.com. The new design is simple, sleek and modern,  reflecting the company’s mission to provide physicians with a straightforward source for healthcare marketing information while showcasing their services offered, which include marketing plan consulting, referral development, SEO, website & graphic design, social media management, advertising campaigns, ... Read More
February 23, 2013Laura Mikulski